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Neurosurgery is a branch of medicine concerned with the disorders which require surgery of brain, nerves and spinal cord.
Contrary to common belief, the possibility of death or damage occurrence as result of neurosurgery is almost the same as other surgeries. The advancements in the technology had increased the pre-surgery diagnostic possibilities over the past decade. All surgeries are performed microscopically through microsurgical methods.
Post-surgical intensive care services are on the leading edge in terms of tools and expert personnel. Cutting-edge techniques and contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic methods are used in our clinic and hospital. The Neurosurgery Clinic provides service with its expert physicians and advanced technology.

Main disorders treated by our Neurosurgery Clinic

  • Spine and spinal cord disorders (spinal and cervical disc herniations, fractures, dislocations, tumors and inflammatory diseases)
  • Traumas (nervous system injuries arising from traffic accidents, falling down etc.)
  • Tumors (all benign and malignant tumours, pituitary gland diseases)
  • Cerebrovascular disorders (vascular bubbles, cerebral hemorrhages, vascular occlusions)
  • Hhydrocephalus treatment (excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain)
  • Congenital spine and spinal cord disorders (Treatment of disorders such as meningocele, meningomyelocele spina bifida)

Cervical Disc Herniation: Pain in neck, back, shoulder and arm, numbness and weakness occur. The complaints of pain, sensation disorder and loss of strength occur are observed. In the early stage, resting, muscle relaxants and painkillers are performed. In case that the symptoms are not relieved, the surgical interventions are performed after the final diagnosis is made through examinations (MR etc.)

Spinal Disc Herniation: The complaints of lower back pain, leg pain, numbness, thinning and weakness in legs are observed. In the early stage, resting, muscle relaxants and painkillers are performed. In case that the symptoms are not relieved, surgical interventions are performed after the final diagnosis is made through examinations (MR etc.).

Cerebral Hemorrhage: Cerebral hemorrhage is a condition in which one or some of arteries in the brain burst and flood into the surrounding area with blood. Symptoms usually include headache, vomiting, alternations in consciousness, weakness in the half of body, speech disorder.
In our clinic, the cerebral hemorrhage is diagnosed by Computed Tomography. When required according to the tomography results, Cranial MRG or Cerebral Angiography examinations are performed.

Brain Tumor: Brain Tumor occurs with symptoms such as headache, vomiting (projectile vomiting), epileptic seizures, personality disorders, some ability disorders (such as calculating, writing) and stroke symptoms in some parts of body in the advanced stages (as per location of tumor in brain).

In the clinic, for accurate diagnosis to be made according to the symptoms, the head and intracranial CT scans or MRG are performed.
Treatment of brain tumors is performed surgically. In the clinic, all tumors, either benign or malignant, are treated surgically. However, in some cases, surgical operation may be inapplicable. Tumor is left untreated due to the fact that it is located in very vulnerable or vital areas of brain and the contact with these areas may cause a life-threatening situation. In this case, only radiotherapy or drug therapy (chemotherapy) is performed.
