Angio Laboratory

Angio Laboratory

Coronary Angiography

Coronary angiography is the method used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. It is very useful for detecting stenosis or occlusion in the coronary arteries caused by atherosclerosis. The course of treatment is determined according to the test result by this method. During the coronary angiography procedure, a radio-opaque dye is injected into the heart vessels.  Veins are rapidly visualized by an x-ray device. If deemed necessary by the physician, balloon/angioplasty can also be performed during angiography.

How is angiography performed?

This method is usually applied over the artery in the right inguinal region. If this vein is not used (it may be completely occluded), the left inguinal artery, right-left wrist arteries, elbow or axilla arteries can also be used. Coronary angiography usually does not cause pain or any problems. After the procedure is over, the patient is laid to rest. If there is not any complication, the patient is discharged after 6 hours of resting period. They can have a bath on the next day and return their normal lives if there is no swelling, severe pain or large bruising at the area of the intervention.

In which cases is coronary angiography performed?

Coronary angiography may be recommended by your doctor in the following conditions:

  • Presence of complaints such as chest pain (angina) suggestive of coronary artery disease
  • New onset or increasing chest pain (unstable angina)
  • Unexplained pain spreading to the chest, jaw, neck, or arm despite further testing
  • Heart failure
  • Valvular heart disease requiring surgical intervention

  • If there is a risk of having a heart problem during the operation in cases where other high-risk surgery is required,
  • Other vascular problems or chest trauma
  • Congenital heart disease

What to pay attention before coming to coronary angiography?

Except for emergencies such as a heart attack, there are some considerations to pay attention before coronary angiography.  We can list them as follows:

  • You should not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before angiography.
  • If possible, bring all the medicines you use with their boxes. Ask your doctor about whether to take the medicines you regularly use in the morning.
  • If you are diabetic, consult your doctor about whether to take insulin or diabetes medication before angiography.
  • Inform your doctor or nurse if you are allergic to anything, especially iodinated substances, shell foods, latex, rubber, penicillin or opaque substances, etc.
  • You may need a companion to drive you after the procedure.
  • Before the angiography procedure, our health personnel will evaluate you about your medical history and the medications you use. The healthcare team will perform your blood pressure, pulse and physical examination.
  • You will be asked to urinate and wear a special gown before the procedure. You may be asked to remove your contact lenses, glasses, jewelry or earrings.

Is it necessary to put a sandbag after angiography?

Sandbags are not required. Close pad is another common method. In addition, inguinal closure methods have recently been used as an alternative to sandbag.